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Gathering Prayers and Blessing based on Psalm 98
Gathering Prayers and Blessing based on Psalm 98
by Christine Dutton
Hopefully these are gathering prayers which bring us together to worship and sing a new song, recognising that the week that has past may have brought us joy or pain, celebration or struggle. The blessing continues the theme of singing. Gathering Prayers based on Psalm 98 O Sing…
Gathering Prayers and Blessing based on Psalm 84:1-7
Gathering Prayers and Blessing based on Psalm 84:1-7
by Christine Dutton
These prayers draw on the words in Psalm 84 - Happy are those whose strength is in you. I often turn up to worship tired from the week before, full of concern for the week that lies ahead. These opening prayers are my attempt to focus at the beginning of worship on the promise th…
Gathering Prayers and Blessing for Remembrance Sunday
Gathering Prayers and Blessing for Remembrance Sunday
by Christine Dutton
These prayers are written following the experience of sharing with army chaplains and personnel on a ministerial placement. I thank them for their honesty and frankness and for what they shared. I thank God for their challenges to my thinking and their openness to answer my quest…
Gathering Prayers and blessing based on Psalm 32:1-7
Gathering Prayers and blessing based on Psalm 32:1-7
by Christine Dutton
Opening prayers and blessing based on Psalm 32 'Therefore let all who are faithful offer prayer to you'. In these opening prayers I wanted to acknowledge that faithfulness, the rhythm of meeting together brings us to deeper communal prayer. Loving God, as you bring us together to…
4 results